标签: #WhatsApp web

  • 如何管理您的 WhatsApp 通知

    您可以在 WhatsApp 设置中更改所有通话和消息的通知设置。 如需了解如何将 WhatsApp 个人对话或群组对话通知静音,请参阅这篇文章
    注意:如果您在设备设置中停用或静音 WhatsApp 通知,在 WhatsApp 中更新通知设置不会覆盖这些操作。但是,如果您在 WhatsApp 中为对话启用自定义通知,则系统会将新的通知类别添加到您的设备设置中,并为该自定义设置启用通知。

    管理所有消息、群组或通话的 WhatsApp 通知设置

    • 点击 
      more options


       > 设置 >


    • 您可以执行以下某项操作来管理通知设置:
    • 勾选消息通知所对应的方框,接收新消息的通知。
    • 勾选显示预览所对应的方框,在新消息通知中显示消息文字的预览。
    • 勾选显示与回应相关的通知所对应的方框,接收与对您在个人对话或群组对话中所发送消息做出的回应有关的通知。
    • 勾选后台同步所对应的方框,通过在后台同步消息获享更快的性能。
    • 勾选声音所对应的方框,在收到消息时获得声音提醒。
    注意:要在不更改通知设置的情况下停用 WhatsApp 网页版或 WhatsApp 桌面版的通知,只需在电脑上关闭 WhatsApp 即可。当 WhatsApp 保持关闭状态时,您将不会在桌面设备上收到通知。


  • 如何更改您的 WhatsApp 铃声

    您可选择 WhatsApp 提供的任何铃声,也可为特定联系人自定义铃声


    • 点击
      more options

       > 设置 > 通知

    • 通话下,点击铃声
    • 选择一种铃声,然后点击保存应用


    • 打开与您要自定义铃声的联系人或群组的对话。
    • 点击联系人姓名或群组名称。
    • 点击自定义通知,然后勾选使用自定义通知
    • 选择您要更改的通知提示音。
    • 消息通知下,点击通知提示音。选择一种提示音,然后点击保存应用
    • 通话通知下,点击铃声。选择一种铃声,然后点击保存应用
    注意:群组通话使用默认的 WhatsApp 通话铃声。无法对该铃声进行自定义。


  • 如何使用 WhatsApp 深色模式

    您可通过深色模式将 WhatsApp 的颜色主题从浅色改为深色。


    • 打开 WhatsApp,然后点击菜单

       > 设置 > 主题

    • 从以下选项中进行选择:
    • 深色:点击深色 > 确定
    • 浅色:点击浅色 > 确定
    • 系统默认:启用 WhatsApp 深色模式以匹配您的设备设置。点击系统默认 > 确定


  • WhatsApp Security Advisories

    At WhatsApp, privacy and security is in our DNA. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security for two billion users around the world. With every new feature and product we build, we carefully consider the security implications for people that rely on WhatsApp to safely have private conversations.

    In 2016, we completed the rollout of end-to-end encryption utilizing the Signal Protocol designed by Open Whisper Systems. End-to-end encryption ensures only you and the person you’re communicating with can read what is sent or listen to calls, and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp.

    We do not store private messages on our servers once we deliver them, and for additional security we provide two-step verification to protect against unauthorized account access. If you lose access to your WhatsApp account, the messages you previously received will remain on your phone and will not be available elsewhere.

    We take the security of our users very seriously and we provide industry leading protections for our users around the world. Our security team at WhatsApp works with experts around the world to stay ahead of potential threats. We conduct internal security reviews and rely on automated detection systems to identify and fix potential issues proactively. We also work with leading security firms to conduct reviews of our practices and our code, and we engage external researchers through the Meta Bug Bounty Program to help us find and fix security issues.

    If a bug is identified, we work to fix the issue as quickly as possible. In keeping with industry best practices, we will not disclose security issues until after we have fully investigated any claims, issued any necessary fixes, and made updates widely available through the respective app stores. We use this same approach for all WhatsApp products. If we ever fix an issue in one of our products, we also work to ensure that it’s addressed in any other products that may rely on the same code.

    Due to the policies and practices of app stores, we cannot always list security advisories within app release notes. This advisory page, which is updated regularly, provides a comprehensive list of WhatsApp security updates and associated Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). Please note that the details included in CVE descriptions are meant to help researchers understand technical scenarios and does not imply users were impacted in this manner.

    We follow guidance provided by operating system manufacturers for on-device storage and we rely upon the security of operating systems and APIs. WhatsApp also relies on numerous code libraries developed by third parties for various features and we will annotate security updates for these libraries so other developers can make necessary updates. It is our policy to notify developers and providers of mobile operating systems about security issues that WhatsApp may identify.

    We are very committed to transparency and this resource is intended to help the broader technology community benefit from the latest advances in our security efforts. We strongly encourage all users to ensure they keep their WhatsApp up-to-date from their respective app stores and update their mobile operating systems whenever updates are available.

  • WhatsApp 未来展望

    今天是我们四年以来首次更新 WhatsApp 的条款和隐私政策。我们计划在未来几个月测试用户与商家沟通的方式,而此次更新就是计划的一部分。更新后的文档还会体现我们已加入 Facebook,以及我们近期推出了多项新功能,例如端到端加密、WhatsApp 通话和消息工具(例如 WhatsApp 网页版和桌面版)。您可以点此阅读完整文档。我们将向使用最新受支持应用版本的每位用户通知这些更新,您需要点击“同意”来接受更新后的条款。


    我们更新这些文档的另一个目的是,清楚说明我们已推出端到端加密。当您和接收您消息的用户使用最新版 WhatsApp 时,你们的消息会默认加密,这意味着只有你们能读取消息。尽管之后几个月,我们会与 Facebook 展开更多合作,您的加密消息仍然会保持私密,其他人不能读取。WhatsApp 不能,Facebook 不能,其他人也不能。我们不会发布您的 WhatsApp 电话号码或将电话号码分享给他人,包括在 Facebook 上,也依然不会把您的电话号码出售、分享或提供给广告主。

    但是,通过与 Facebook 加强协调,我们将能做成更多事,例如追踪基本指标了解用户使用我们服务的频率,以及更好地打击 WhatsApp 上的垃圾消息。此外,当您的电话号码关联到 Facebook 系统后,如果您拥有 Facebook 帐户,那么就能获得更出色的好友推荐和看到更相关的广告。例如,您可能会看到有来往的公司所发的广告,而不是陌生公司发布的广告。您可以点此了解详情,包括如何控制自己数据的使用。

    我们矢志不移地坚信私密通信的价值,且仍会不遗余力地为您打造最快、最简单和最可靠的 WhatsApp 体验。一如既往地,感谢您使用 WhatsApp,我们期待您的反馈。

    2016 年 8 月 25 日

  • WhatsApp 网页版

    2015 年 1 月 21 日